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Paraffin Wax Treatments:

Hand Treatment - $10

Helps relieve tired, arthritic hands/feet. This treatment is perfect for reducing swelling. Your hands/feet will feel smooth, silky, and hydrated.

Foot Treatment - $15

Paraffin wax treatments are particularly popular in the winter because they are warming, they also help moisturize dry, cracked skin. During paraffin wax treatments, the skin is bathed in warmth, which helps the pores to open and the skin to soften. 

People who experience seasonal dry skin often find paraffin wax treatments to be helpful and relaxing preventative measures. Dry, cracked heels and knuckles can make cold weather unbearable. Just one or two moisturizing paraffin wax treatments can help a great deal during snowy months or any time of the year!

Be sure to ask your Esthetician or massage therapist for this add on service.

Blissful Journey Day Spa 114 West Corbin Street Hillsborough


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